Sunone’s bright and colorful headquarters, Bangkok Thailand

PVC strip curtains offer flexible and bright spaces.

Project details

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Project: Located in Bangkok and designed by the Thai studio Department of Architecture Co. Ltd, the new site of a software developer, Sunone, presents the designers with a major challenge: preserving the quality of life of existing residents and the working conditions of newcomers.

PVC slatted curtain yellow offices Sunone
A colored PVC strip curtain to bring color, structure and brightness.

In order to preserve the serenity of the area, respect the privacy of each residence and simultaneously create a pleasant working environment for the staff, a horizontal screen model was introduced in the project. Not only does it create a visual barrier between the interior and exterior, allowing no direct view from the interior to the surrounding residences, but it also serves as a light filter generating quality lighting for the interior space.

PVC slatted curtain yellow offices Sunone

The interior design strategy was designed to promote a flexible and transparent work environment. While the exterior screen reflects the technological nature of the company’s business, the interior screen directly reflects the adventurous personality of the owner and staff.

PVC slatted curtain yellow offices Sunone

PVC slatted curtain yellow offices Sunone

Industrial materials such as colorful PVC strip curtains were cleverly incorporated throughout the building to reflect the energy and vivacity of these extreme sports enthusiasts. In addition to serving as a partition and enclosure, this screen, thanks to its transparent properties, also serves as an indicator of the privacy level of an area. The use of PVC strip curtains keeps the office space open and transparent.

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